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A member registered Mar 20, 2020

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(1 edit)

I really enjoyed the game, and the visuals are absolutely stunning!! I took some notes about any issues that I had while playing,  but I look forward to more games from you in the future :)

The monitor at the beginning of the game that tells you to press E doesn't have enough contrast

I felt that the gun firing noises could use some more audio punch

The stairs felt weird to navigate with how the controls are, I found myself walking down when I was trying to walk up (It might feel more comfortable to have walking up the stairs be the default, and walking down requires you to hold down or s)

There is too much screenshake when firing the gun/blowing up enemies

The character's animation locks right after firing the gun, resulting in you standing mostly still while moving

After getting the key from the roof, entering the building again immediately gets you attacked multiple times without any way to avoid it

The exits to buildings are very difficult to see/make out

Your character doesn't properly "enter" the train when using the door

The train boss's attack is almost impossible to dodge, unless it just misses completely (maybe add some shootable panels that can drop down to act as temporary cover?)