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A member registered Mar 06, 2018

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(1 edit)

I purchased AssetForge Deluxe edition for my daughter but we are having a very difficult time getting 2d sprites. 

For example – she would like to use it to create a pixel-for-pixel recreation of her favorite characters (She actually has a bunch of those melt-bead things for making pixel art too )– however – it seems that the bits don’t match up to pixel for pixel size? (using primitives as pixels) All of her stuff ends up HUGE and off the screen when we try to export too.

For example, we tried to make this tree:

It ends up so big that you can't make a sprite out of it... we tried scaling but that ended up a disaster as it scaled all of the blocks individually.

Speaking of that? is there a "groups" option? EG - bundle all of the individual blocks for the top of that tree so they can be scaled, rotated, or moved all at once?

Can you please explain how this is to be done? I can zoom the camera in and out, but that’s about it… cant move the camera or anything... is there a different block to use? etc. thanks!

It would also be nice to have guides... maybe a "bounding area" for a specific size texture or something that will fit when i try to export, or whatnot? Maybe a block-to-pixel conversion?

Thank you all in advance. Thank you for your hard work Kenney...