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A member registered 48 days ago

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yes, my brother even found mods for it so i have it moded


I've done everything I can, I'm waiting on an update now.

Toxicwish or Alderwish

Depending on the name I go with.

it should be after you meet your father, hm.

Twice she's ask if I wanted to adopt kids with her, I'm not sure what I do differently

You don't, she stays with the fair cats

You can adopt two with breezesong when she becomes leader of fireclan

though they stay over there with her

yap yap

Talk to her during the night then shell ask if you want to meet who she thinks is your fathe

has anyone tried talking to crystal blaze about her fair cat mate then waiting till after you become the leader to talk to her again.

you should, you didn't hear this from me.

Crystalblaze's kits need to grow up, I'd love to see them run around