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A member registered Mar 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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the work will be done later

Well now that the gf day 2 is releasing tomorrow.. anyone wanna help me make the bf allure

Please don't tell me the topic is dead yet :(



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claro si no sabes cual es mi discord Zₑₒ𝚗#7815

your welcome 


But uhh besides that, I'm finally releasing my old gf allure flas and parts to you all enjoy the gfs!!

Get to accepting the friend request buddy

You got discord?

For a short note this is the preview version of the sprite sheet, and the watermarks are there for protection if you want the real sprite sheet and xml, just ask lol

Gf allure 3.5 FINAL  (I enjoyed making gf allure recreation sprites a lot but now this is the final one I'm finally done making this shit, I got to worry about bf allure now.)

The idle is pretty much done, now I just half to work on the singing animations more updates later.

(I know I took a screen shot of the whole screen go ahead and rip out the arm I really wouldn't care anyway)

yeah even if I mess up I can just generate a new sprite sheet from the fla saved on my computer 

keep browsing on the topic, you'll find some parts and a full sprite sheet of pico one shot, not gonna give directly though



I think I did

And the parts from V2 and V1 cause I'm updating the arms for v3 and I'll actually make the version with spider legs and make the glow effects for the face and call it  V3.5 (I'm sure nobody will care but whatever)

Thinking on releasing my gf allure flas expect v3 idk

still no xml :(

I'm not finished with the sprite yet but I'm thinking on still releasing it privately but also no point to send it If the original one shot assets are released 

my pan flipped :(

Anybody thinking this topic is slowly dying?

lol pain


I think I made a sprite sheet for your pico loaded V2 parts I'll try digging it out if I can

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 the final battle, bf is 98% uncorrupted it's the end for pico right before he was corrupted, bf threw his microphone at him, leaving him with blood on him idk but he lost anyway 

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 at the middle of day 2 bf is almost free while pico tries his best to save himself

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 supposably pico saves bf during the end on day 1 getting corrupted

I think I'ma make my own corruption take

My evil pico concept art


The corruption reimagined sprites are out everywhere there's no point in reminding them to give credits

My evil bf V2 concept art


yeah it's gonna be a private sprite though, when I post the sprite sheet it's gonna be just a preview with a bunch of water marks so to get the actual sprite sheet I'd have to send on discord or make a private link with Google drive again