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A member registered May 22, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and for your feedback! I'm hoping to update it to improve the speed a bit when I get some time to work on it again

I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for sharing your experience with it!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
It's a good point that the turn signs and arrows are most interchangeable. I added the turn signs later in the development when I wanted to design levels where the player could cross the same place again but with a different result. That did mean they weren't really needed at all in the earlier levels though. It's interesting to hear that you found it more engaging with just those though, I might consider removing the arrows in that case!
The trial and error style wasn't quite what I was aiming for, so it would be good to address that too. I was thinking of having a button to demo the vehicle movement for a level, to see how it would play out without the risk of crashing into anything. I didn't manage to get round to that unfortunately, but it's something I could add if I update the game after the jam!
Thanks for letting me know about the UI scale issue too, I only ran it with a 1920x1080 viewport so didn't find that myself. I must have not set the scaling settings properly, so will look into that!

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you, I'm glad you found it fun! It was definitely a challenge to fit it all in before the deadline!

Thanks for playing, and for your feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to give such a detailed review.

I originally wanted to make the tutorial more interactive, introducing the different instructions across a number of levels and with an animation of each one in action. In the end there wasn't time for that but I wanted to at least have something in place, I agree though that it could definitely be improved over the current wall of text! I think that would help clear up confusion over the different instructions that you encountered as well.

The speed has come up a few times and is something I'd like to address once the jam is over!

My idea for the second puzzle was as an introduction to the "wait" command, the truck was intended to stop by itself and the player was meant to work around it with those. I used a sprite of a garbage truck as I thought that would give some indication as to why it was stopping, an animation of people getting out could have been a nice touch though!

The UI buttons could certainly have been a bit bigger, I was trying to balance the size to have readability while also not hiding too much of the game screen itself. Maybe I'll try to adjust the layout, adding the UI to a panel so it isn't covering the map itself. I thought the positioning of the buttons would be enough to give a feeling of the intended flow to the player, but adjusting the relative sizes is something I'll consider too!

A falling over animation for the cyclist would have been good, but I'd already spent a fair amount of time making the sprite and the cycling/idle animations. As a solo dev, I had to balance it with the actual implementation of the mechanics and level creation, so adding more animations to the cyclist wasn't as high on the priority list as making sure there was something to play, but it's definitely something I'll consider adding if I update this more in the future!

Thanks again for all your feedback!

Thank you for playing, and thanks for the feedback!
I tried to avoid that by moving buildings further away from the roads, haha, but that wasn't possible in every map. This was my first time working with an isometric tilemap, so I wasn't exactly sure how to get the layering to work properly between the tilemap and other objects. It's something I want to look into more and try to fix though!

Thanks for playing! I really like Mini Motorways, so I'm glad to hear that it gave you a similar vibe!

Thank you so much, I'm glad that you liked it! I think I'll aim to update it with the speed up option once the jam is over.

Thanks for playing!

Wow! Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it, and thanks for playing until the end! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I like the concept for this game, but I think it might need a bit more balancing. Like others I wasn't able to progress very far at all to begin with, but then after finding the upgrades menu and pumping everything into speed + stamina it became impossible to lose.

Very nice little platformer! I like the retro pixel art feel and thought the floating text as part of the level was a nice way to give instructions to the player. Congratulations on your submission!

I enjoyed this! I really like the pixel art style, both in the stages and in the story messages, which were a nice addition. Good job on this!

I really like the design of this. The Z/X pedalling definitely gives a cycling feel and it's a nice level of challenge handling both that and steering at the same time.
The pedal view at the bottom was a nice touch, adding an input guide (maybe a Z and X that alternately light up) might help make it even clearer and help out the player if they get muddled about which key to push next.

Very entertaining, the sound effects were great and the movement felt smooth. Congrats on the submission!

A couple of points that could possibly be improved. The sudden change of direction and camera movement when hitting a stream sniper was a bit jarring and it was difficult to predict what would happen with the cars as they came at you so quickly.

Really impressive and unique idea! It was a nice challenge trying to build a bike that worked, not one that I was very good at, haha!

It seems like you can build a bike without a monkey if you place the monkey and then delete him - not that I was trying to cheese it or anything..

I like the concept for this game, but as some other comments say, it's a little difficult to follow without a chance to read the cards. Having the player push a button to begin a level rather than starting straight away might be a good way to give them time to check the cards and see what they do.

I enjoyed this, it's fun little game with a cool style. I liked the added touch of the score being the money you've raised!
A suggestion for extending this would be to add some pick-ups maybe. Even just something to bump your score to help you get to the faster speeds quicker.

This is a fun bullet hell game and love the art style! Impressed by the range of enemies and attack styles you managed to implement in the time frame too.

One suggestion would be to maybe have an option to return to the shop after failing a level to reselect any upgrades in case you want to try something different.

Thank you for playing, and thanks for the feedback!

The speed control was something I wanted to add originally, but it caused some slight difference in the way the vehicles moved. At the time the source of the issue wasn't immediately obvious, so I decided to remove the feature instead to keep the consistency. From the feedback, I think it would have been better to keep it instead since the issues it introduced were only in a couple specific cases and the chances are people wouldn't have encountered them anway.

Thanks for the suggestion too, a high score (or low score?) for number of instructions for each level would've been good!

Thanks for playing, and I appreciate the feedback! The speed-up button was something I originally included but there was an issue with the implementation which meant the level behaved slightly differently at some points at different speeds. I took it out because I didn't want people to get frustrated that speeding it up led to something that should have worked to suddenly not work.. but it seems like the speed itself has been a bigger issue, so perhaps I should have left it in!

Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

I did originally include a speed up button that increase the game's timescale, but after using it on a couple of the levels there seemed to be some situations where it would cause a solution that worked at the normal speed to fail. At the time, I looked through the code and couldn't find anything obvious that was timescale dependant and opted to remove it to stop the different behaviour. In hindsight, it may have been better just to keep the option since it was only in one or two places and the speed when retrying seems to have been a bigger frustration!

Glad you found it fun and thanks for the feedback! When I was playtesting I already knew the level solutions so I think the speed issue slipped past me, increasing the overall speed is definitely something I'll look at if I update this.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you had fun!
That would have been good, thanks for the suggestion. I noticed that it was a little difficult to see where you could build towers, especially in the forest level, and this would've been a nice way to solve that!

Thank you for your feedback! I'll be sure to put a higher priority on music and sound in the future!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked the style!

Haha, I added the speed up buttons after a bit of play testing and realising that there was quite a bit of waiting for the earlier stages with just skeletons!

Thanks for playing and for your feedback! I'll definitely be sure to include at least placeholder music and sounds at an earlier stage of the project in future so that it isn't missing completely!

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm glad you found it fun! Thanks for the feedback. I was a little concerned that the balance would be off as I was playing it knowing what would happen in each wave, so I'm happy to hear that the difficulty didn't feel unfair and still gave a challenge!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad that you enjoyed it! I definitely agree on the music/sound point, but unfortunately ran out of time before implementing it. It's something I'll be sure to move up the priority list for future game jams!

Thanks for the feedback! It took a bit of time playing around with different cinemachine options to get the camera controls working, but I was happy with the result in the end!

This was fun! I really liked the style, the art and music complimented each other well I felt. I got caught out by the first ghosts moving diagonally, haha, but the difficulty increase was well paced I think.

I thought this was well executed and fun to play, particularly sending the other balls flying off after picking up the power ups!

I enjoyed playing this and trying to improve on my score! I though slicing off the overhanging parts of each layer was a nice touch and well animated.

I had fun with this, enjoyed the pirate theming and thought the graphics and music worked together nicely.

One suggestion would be to add a little texture to the background as it was some times difficult to see how the ship was moving against the solid colour.

Very unique interpretation of the theme, gave me a lot of laughs!