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A member registered 23 days ago · View creator page →

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Problem? Solved! Interesting game.

Engaging game and also very funny to play all the time.

Played it yesterday, it was interesting and the experience was great.

(3 edits)

Interesting game, played to the end and the experience I had while playing this game was great.

The graphics were good, the sfx sounds complemented the gameplay perfectly. Overall, it was a memorable experience that I would recommend to anyone looking for an atmospheric horror game.

That's my review. Peace.

Yeah, looks good to me.

Interesting Interesting Interesting!!

Interesting, I love the style. Keep it up

I played the game for 15 minutes (of course until the end) and it was great and also interesting how everything is done. Reminds me of MGS lol

Don't forget that it's also his first game. It's a very great game if it's his first game...