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A member registered Nov 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Me using my brain: "hmm if control+q skips, maybe control+w goes backwards?"

wow I wish I knew that sooner

and that was without knowing how to slide

I got to 115 and the game froze. gg I gues

Yay I made top 10 on them all :D

strategy: hold z

Pressing volume on my keyboard goes left for some reason. Love the game though.

Very happy I got to participate in this! I think it's fitting half my contribution was finding a bug and immediately exploiting it.

I dont think the slime is endangered anymore

Perfect score :D fun game

I'm sure this is what the rules mean ;)

hard game. I lost :(

(1 edit)

Oh wow another world


when your first ever square in the game is a mine: :

Hey I beat it. challenging levels :D

I did it :D I wish you could keep playing though :(

I had fun with the last puzzle. Maybe you could do a version that uses the whole grid

Fun game, hopefully the puzzles get a lot harder though. It is just a demo so I'm not too worried about it.

Glad you think so :D

For all those people who want is better than gold.

Is there a way to halt all at once

Game: 44

Me: Oh so close to 40.
*hour of testing later*
Me:Ok here we go

Game: 43

Ok I beat the game, how soon(tm) is soon(tm)?

Im very proud of my flip flop design

Beat it :)

Feels very smoot

The third felt the easiest

Second is pretty easy once you know the rule

Well I beat the first level.

Id love more levels, it was very fun!

I use ps next, with kinda braching level select depending on your needs, and has mouse support, and larger sprite sizes. Among other things. You should join the thinky puzzle games discord, we could talk easier there :D

update: it's possible with a fork of puzzlescript if your ok with that sort of thing.

Cool stuff is possible in puzzlescript. If you go in more detail about the mechanics, I might be able to do it :)

Fun maze :D

This is like those real life times when you try to push a pull door. Fun game :)

Maybe the harder levels would need these, but tool like moving steps around, or "teleporting" blocks just invalidate the moves.

Beat it, and enjoyed it. Your code is a work of art :)

More fun the longer you play :)

Is this still in development? A lot of the tools dont seem useful.