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A member registered Feb 10, 2021

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Lol the twist came out of no where. Got me good! Great job making a creepy atmosphere!


This game was so fun! I love it! Its so fast paced and loud lol. You feel like your in a action movie. Also the music is great! 10/10

Lol this game caught me off guard! Got tricked into thinking I was safe, then Bam! Nice job :)

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Lol definitely got me! It was a very short game but well worth the time. Love the retro style of the game. Really enjoyed it!

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The last 2 boxes always seem the hardest lol. Fun experience. The flashlight lowering every time you start running was killing me tho.

This game was no walk in the park! Never have I felt so much stress, yet so much fun at the same time! Lost count of how many times I died lol. You have to earn your win, in the end I think I did!

You've never been in an arcade like this before! Playing this makes you feel like your being stalked by something...Defiantly playing the full game!

This game caught me off guard lol then again I'm not sure what is was expecting. The end made me feel like I watched a haunted VHS tape and somethings going to be coming after me pretty soon! Enjoy 

This game has a PT feel to it but with its own uniqueness to it. Enjoyed it! Good job Dev!

The Jump scares were great! And I liked the story and the twist to it! Defiantly enjoyed this one 


I Loved this game. It was so fun to play! Great scares. Good job!