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A member registered Sep 04, 2022

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Wow! Thank you! That's the cherry on the cake as I like my LI to be intimate with my MC and that it shows! Is it there on Steam too? Or do we have to buy it here on 

Yay!! 🥳 So glad to finally forecast the release date. You've done an amazing job, I can already tell! I thing any delay to make the game even better is always worth it. Thank you for sharing with the world, I really am excited 😆.

Wow, that was amazing! I had a blast reading the following chapters. Thank you for keeping your word and updating so soon. I appreciate updates that aren't too far apart. I chose Lion first and then Heron as my lover, and it was wonderful, I am so greedy I know I want more intimate scenes bur that was already a treat so thank you. Furthermore, I can't wait to read the rest. Besides, I was right, the gray beard guard is my sperm donor aka father if you will, I guessed correctly! Yay me! I like the revelations about The Council, the water and food supply. That's way more complex than I originally thought, and I love it!

(1 edit)

The previous Roped in was ex-cel-lent, so I have high hopes for the new game. Both men seem appealing, but I must admit I am more attracted to a man with Roy's personality. The only drawback here is his age, 50 years old is quite old for me. I wish he was between 35 and 45 maximum. I know some people think that age is just a number, but the idea of dating someone of more than 10+ years my senior is an unsettling thing for me. That's personal though. I believe some people would disagree.

Thank you for the update. I really can't wait for the game to be released. I am following it ever since the demo was released, and it was so good already, I had high hopes in its completion.

Thank you for your transparency regarding the topic of the software you are using for your story, which I didn't know myself. And now that we know the how and why, I will be able to get past it and rejoice solely on the story. Thank you. Can't wait to read the next chapters!

Love it! It seems way too dangerous to even look at him but fortunately for me. I am a extreme thrill speaking so we could get on well 😆.

(2 edits)

Color me impressed 😲. The storyline is excellent! That twist about losing the faculty of speaking and reading and just critical thinking because it is forbidden to even speak to one another, that's genius! I like that twist on the apocalyptic scenario. I like that we are just worker with numbers as names and then pick an animal name as our first name. That's different and I like it very much 🥰. Thank you also for granting us more than a prologue and one chapter like many do. At least we can really taste the story and interact with the LI enough to make up our mind on their personalities. 

I am so eager to read the rest. My guess on the bearded guard is that he is our progenitor and he feels "connected" to us as his offspring? 

I like teasing Lion so much, Heron had potential to be our lover as our lost childhood friend but he was too apathic at first so I chose Lion for my first run. I would have liked Ferret better as a man as I prefer dating males but I can feel she has a lot of resentment which I totally understand after being raped and forced to bear a child. But we can say the same thing about males being forced to have sexual relationships with partners they don't even chose to begin with. The strength of your story resides in the depiction of such reality that can totally be plausible and that's horrifying to me. 

Please dear author, tell me we will be able to choose our genitalia for the more intimate scenes which would help the dialogues in return with more accurate depiction of situations involving the gender such as the fact that if you are able to conceive then you are forced to carry a baby, or if you are a non-binary person with masculine attributes but are attracted to men then you are traumatized because you had to sleep with a woman, etc. That's just exemple. It can be the same with women being attracted to women and so on. I chose to be non-binary (with pecs and a penis) and I love Lion so I'd like my genitalia to be mentioned when intimate with him. That would be awesome 😎. 

A back button and the possibility to save would be much appreciated too. 

Oh by the way, I have other animal names to suggest: 


























Thank you for your hard work, I hope we'll be able to read more soon.

(3 edits)

Moontouched is promising to say the least. 

The animated CGs are stunning with their fluffy tails flapping behind them and their ears moving adding so much life to the story. Also, the postures and the fact that when you say they remove their clothes, they really remove them on the CG, that's impressive, really. 

The backgrounds are absolutely gorgeous, so realistic even in drawing and the color palettes are so comforting, very nuanced and alive. It seems like we are ourselves roaming the woods, and we were witnessing the beauty of nature. The nature sounds in the background add to that feeling. That's really appeasing. 

The writing is good, even if I spotted a few typos, but nothing too bad. The only issue I have is with the size of the font that is too small and so hard to read on a PC, but worse is the size of the Tooltip that is even smaller, so I have to strain my eyes to read so that's really uncomfortable and doesn't really motivate to read hours upon hours like this.

At first, I was quite disappointed that the demo didn't include the other romance-able characters bur fortunately, a presentation of them was offered at the end of the demo, which I am grateful for because I was so eager to meet them. 

So we have 5 male wolves from different clans : 

- Anoam : The Forsaken, our mentor and savior sort of, loyal, protective and a bit secretive too.

- Kirik : Friend and lover, a pup like us, a "brother" or playmate and probably our first sexual partner, a recently Moontouched. He's literally the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen with his "markings" on his forehead and his arms and chest. 

- Veolf : Tribute of Storms said to be "cocky and lighthearted while at rest, loyal and ruthless when called upon". Well, he has the type of personality I am totally crazy about, so he will definitely be my first choice. Plus he has a piercing, how cool is that! A shame he isn't as beautiful as Kirik in wolf form...

- Raithan : Tribute of Tides, too kind and tasteless for my liking according to his personality description, but to each their own like they say.

- Noakai : Tribute of Flames, he's all ferocity and anger so a hard shell to crack but can be promising...

All in all, I really enjoyed that demo, I wished for more because the lore is still a bit vague with all the clans and their history, but that's off to an excellent start. And the visuals are a wonder with sometimes first person or third-person POV depicted on the CGs and the angles are sometimes very fascinating, I quite enjoyed that part. 

Thank you so much for sharing this new game with us, I wish with all my heart that it will be achieved. And big up to the one who drew the landscapes and the animated wolves! Stunning!

Thank you so much! You made my day, plus next month, that is August, it's my birthday so let's hope it can be posted close to my birthdate to be received as a gift.<3

Wow! I am impressed by your progress! It seems neverending but you can now see the end of the tunnel.  Thank you for working so hard for us. I am extremely grateful 🥲. I really can't wait to see the final game but I will have to be patient because there's still lots to do. Bun the way, I am so keen on your new save screen with save slots for each LI is so clever! Thank you for the new glossary menu too. 

By the way, I am already play testing a few VN and IF as a Patreon member mostly but still. Where are the play testers you use from? I would gladly help if you allow it. Please let me know. 

Yay! Ever since you announced that you were working on Chapter 4 and it was mostly done editing, I tried my best to forgot about it otherwise I would have checked every so often on Itch. So I am so excited to finally get to play this new update and chapter 4. I already know what I will be doing this evening after dining. Please wait for me Oswin, my love. Thank you so much, Lunan, you're incredible!

Wow! Thank you for introducing yourself and Corvine! Welcome 😁 I am particularly in accordance with the change of the MC gender as I personally don't like playing a female but much prefer playing as a male or a non-binary person. Also, I prefer gay relationships than heterosexual ones in VN, so yeah, I am quite excited about the new features. I can't wait to see what you come up with, thank you for giving an estimated date at least. 

Yes! I'm glad to read that! Thank you !!! I am really impatient and excited about what you will come up with. I have already added this game into my favorite one. I have to admit that the prologue was extremely well written to the point where I was depressed and was feeling as lonely as my MC. So well done! 

Hello there ! Congrats on all the downloads, it's well deserved! I was wondering if you intend to progress chapter by chapter for all 4 RO or if you will prioritize a RO route more than the other two? I am asking because I personally prefer having all three available at the same level of content that just one more advanced. Thank you

(2 edits)

Good Lord, I love your reply, Lunan! That is exactly what I think. I go by she/her because in the French language there are mostly gendered names and adjectives, so it is complicated to use non-gendered words even though I identify myself as NB. I don't personally like the "they/them" English alternative as I am single not plural, but I get it for those who use it. 

Likewise, I personally like to think that before being a gender we are an individual and I despise the fact that societies and many religions tend to force us to fit a box labelled according to a physical, non-chosen aspect of our bodies. Furthermore, I feel the same way regarding words and expressions that seem to be used more for a gender than another. I like to use "beautiful" instead of "handsome" or "good-looking" as a personal choice because I think that it can be applied to all and any genders, and it holds a more powerful meaning to me.

Just like you, I also almost exclusively play male or NB MCs when I read IFs using if I can my own set of pronouns (zhe/zhim/zhir/zhers/zhimself). Therefore, I totally get what you say when claiming that "people should just be". That's what I like the most about IFs, we play as we want, choosing the choices, names, preferences and how we interact with others. I have read your demo the most of all the IFs I have read so far, and that's just saying how much I love it and feel connected to the characters.

Thank you, Lunan for your commitment to your story and offering us regular updates. You can even imagine how conforming it is to know that we'll get a continuation to your beloved story.

Hey dear, would you mind making a summary of all the Easter eggs you put into the story at some point? I didn't even know there were Easter eggs before reading the comment section. I follow you on tumblr too. That would be lovely for my sixth re-read of the story. Thank you

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Hiya !  This is my first time playing and I thought I would go for Rune or the Coach at first but then I met Torulf with his free spirit and no-nonsense attitude but I regret so much his route. I felt bad all night after finishing reading. If I knew we hadn't got the choice to break it off with him when we understood that he was also having sex with Lake, I would have stopped right here, right now with him. I hate the ending of Day 4 so much. I felt used, disrespected, and dirty in a way. I am usually quite bold and wild when it comes to sexual encounters in VN but I can't accept being forced into doing something I don't want to do and I felt like that.  I also despised the fact that I had no choice but to top when I much prefer the bottom position. I wish I had given Mikko more credit on this one. He warned me, but I wanted to think Torulf was well-meaning, when he was actually such a manipulative older guy who used his age and experiences for his gain. I will stop playing the other routes, for now, I need to forget his one first. It left a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Otherwise, the game in itself is well-made and rich but really, I can't find enjoyable that kind of "love" story. It's just plainly bad for me, as the MC, and for Lake. I hate him so much for his comment at the bar and the way he doesn't even try to hide his flirtation right before my face! No! I can't!

Thank you for sharing this game. I could already feel the angst and the inner turmoil, but it was worth reading. I really am ecstatic at the prospect of playing more. That's one of the rare games in which I want to romance all characters. They just seem so lovable all in their own way. I admit that I am a sucker for dependable, all-in love, so I will definitely start off by choosing Markus, then Niko, and finally Jules. I really can wait, and I desperately hope that the deep emotions I got from the demo will carry on and deepen even.