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A member registered Dec 04, 2021

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Purchased physical copy via Modiphus and I will never regret this purchase it seems. Overall this is the best iteration of Ironsworn I've come across in any respect and can be tweaked to give you new and good flavors.

I play with a singular friend and those games are about two buttholes that chased a single person across 6 sectors just to get petty revenge. My solo games tend to be asking the question of how I can bend and break the established rules to better play and to improve not only my experience but anyone else's that might ask.

My favorite tweak/break of the rules was doing away with Vows.

Sacrilege, I know, but hear me out.

If you want to play a game like Ironsworn where you're helping folks out and are very eager to do so, that's fine and don't change anything. However I like playing rogues, pirates, bounty hunters, and just not very morally good characters. The way I've tweaked Vows is just to have them represent jobs I'm on, or if it really needs to be a vow it is very personal like, "I vow to end your entire bloodline for not letting my heart check pass!"

Either way, great game and I want to build on it more 

I've written a review about this particular book before, but I'll sum it up here as well.

Fun, but can get boring quick and the RNG factor is frustrating but can be fixed. Overall worth $8, wouldn't spend more than $12.