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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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How incredibly cute. Well done Koko.

Oh very very nice. I really like this game. Would b cool to get a full version where we can add more stuff to sell and change prices to increase sales and loyalty.

Awwwww so cute!

Pretty darn cute. I like how you turned a game into advocacy. :D

Pretty cute and it reminds me of classic DeviantArt. I hope Stencyl fixes how objects stick together.

Oooo very nice game. Easy to use and a pretty darn good story.

Oh man the visuals in this are so good. I love the ship and zapping those floating CV-19's was satisfying. 

This has the makings of a great game. I would support a larger game like this. If you like puzzles and Minecraft I recommend this title.

Same here. I will have to download a fresh copy to avoid this >