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Hi! Do you want to join our team? My discord is: tai_rosh

Under the game there are controls. It is M to kill. I will consider about the monster)

The second monster on the second level is the one you need to kill. He is non reflectable and evil

AH MAH GAWD IT IS SO GOOD! THE ARTSTYLE AND THE BOUNCY EFFECT! You really cooked. Cook like this always! I beg you

Easy and logical. I love it!

I got so scared I barely finished it. Love it

Thanks a bunch for the feedback! 😊

I’m glad you liked the graphics and the concept. I’ll work on improving the sound effects—made with a cheap mic while my grandma was loud and the AC was buzzing, so thanks for understanding!

I just realized today that the AZERTY layout could be an issue. The controls were chosen randomly when I was tired—oops, sorry! I’ll fix that.

I’ll also address the light array bug and think about tweaking the contrast between the character and dungeon.

Really appreciate your input—it’s super helpful!

Oh ma gawd! Thank you so much! <3

OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is so Cute and beautiful and I would eat this game. God you cooked. How did you draw all of this?! THE JUMPS! AH MAH GAWD! I am drooling over this artstyle! And the way you can move the washing machine! MY GOD PLEASE I BEG YOU! After the Game Jam finish this game. I can be your play tester! Just PLEASE finish it 😭😭😭😭

It is fun but my brain is hurting

I am dying in the first 10 seconds elp meh please. It was very fun (Not dying, playing)

Very colorful me likey

I loved the sounds and the concept. It is a bit too dark and my almost blind eyes have a bit of a problem seeing what is going on