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A member registered Jul 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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this was touching, never knew a complete stranger would put my exact feelings into words but here i am. thanks for making this :)

i loved all of the character's separate stories, the plot twists werent expected at all but were a good surprise. also loved the true ending, though not morally right it was cute in a fictional sense. also yuzuki and haruto were both a great couple, sad to see how it turned out for them:( 

game is simple yet immersive, the game finished before i knew it and i was like damn i need more of this >:( but rlly, the background artwork was one of my fave parts, i also enjoyed how he has those little outbursts that show what hes really thinking. cant wait 4 more <3

absolutely loved this game. although short, the story and artstyle were both great. i also enjoyed the chemistry between hugo and noah and their personalities :3 keep up the great work!! 

great game :)

cant wait to see more from u !


oo this game! its soso cool i cant wait for the full version to be released !!

i love the character design and art style of this game,  and although with most games i get bored easily, this one really intrigues me! i cant wait for the full game to come out, i will definitely be getting it.

.. i will have to try it then

huh. :OO