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A member registered 36 days ago

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After having completed the current content, I have to say this game is really really good, I don't what I expected when on a whim decided to download it, this review comes from someone that has played almost every FF, Persona, a bunch of Smt, some DQ and the first 7 generations of pokemon and really loves rpg as a genre, while I won't talk about the battle system, i have to say is really fun and I love the no levels twist as it really allows the game to be a little non linear in certain parts.

Each chapter feels unique with different ambience and a good plot that kept me enthralled the whole 40 hours it took me to completed it because I decided to play slowly and enjoy the ride. the only real bad point I have is with the artstyle, the commisioned art for the game is really good but maybe becaused is still unfinished it uses a lot of default assets from rpgmaker, which is a shame because I would love to see the game with a more defined artstyle and music.

The transformation aspect is interesting mainly because of how optional certain parts of its are most of the changes are linked to choices you make during the main story and sidequest, because of that the game is full with different dialogue that changes according to some of these changes, there are some mandatory ones, including my favourite aspect, the multiple appearances the group take during the adventure which well comes in hand with the idea of between in the title, a 'transition from one stage to the other' .

Also the characters are well written and the group dinamic works for me a lot, they feel like believable people with actual story between themselves and funny interactions, their reactions to the protagonist changes makes my day.

Harper my beloved gremblin energy friend.

I would loved to speak about each chapter in detail, in particular 3 and 5 but I want to avoid spoil the surprises this game has.

If i had to gave this an score it would be 4/5 Really good for what content is in, it could change depending on any new content in the future, as I said the main drawback for me its the inconsistent artstyle which I hope could improve in the future, I literally created this account because I wanted to express how much I loved it.

Sorry for any instances of broken english as it isn't my main language

Now to wait for the next update, hope this proyect does end up being a finished product. thanks for anyone who read this and sorry if it is a little long.