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A member registered Nov 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Quietly working to stack tetris 


8pt, may be a little small unless it allows you do do 16/24/etc without blurring.

Great style and design. Character creators can take up a full week, so it's neat to see it become the gameplay.

Great style and design. Character creators can take up a full week, so it's neat to see it become the gameplay.

After I lost with a terrible three points I just had fun watching the cursor bounce a little. Fun cliker.

After I lost with a terrible three points I just had fun watching the cursor bounce a little. Fun cliker.

Really had fun with this, great palette too!

Thank you for playing! If you want to keep playing you can always set the infinite timer in settings.

thank you for playing! 

I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Hearing a person played always makes me happy!

there's a secret shortcut to hexpaint, alt and 5 once you're in game. 

thank you for playing! The high scores are what I got in testing, so it's possible to get at least 17 

Share a link when you finish!

Earth Illusion is on my list to redo, I can't promise it will be soon, but I'll add these once I do redo the font.

honestly someone beating the system is the best ending I could ask for. Thank you for reporting it, but I think I'll leave it. 

The Wiggly Paint Adventure is perfect. Getting set on fire/10!

What a neat concept for a interactive novel (even if I did slam stay in seat with headphones just to see). Wishing you good luck with the writing for the expansion!

Thank you for the card. <3

Always glad to see more people recommending making nice itch pages. Great Zine.

The first counsel for the Wizards with no sense of right and wrong has ended with 80% frog, 10% shotguns and a questionable robe.

Really cool to see more people making tabletop rules with Decker.

At least you're not spending 1000000000s of dollars on candles. Glad to see more people exploring the program!

Wonderful color work, it just pulls you in.

Great work on the beep-boop typing boxes and the writing.

Got the chicken ending, 10/10.

Oddly nostalgic for old paper and notes.

(1 edit)

I lost. :(

Great game, FISH/10

Hey, thank you for playing! Glad you had fun with it.

I know that numbers are more useful, but you might want to consider taking over the unicode bubble letters 1-5 and make unique tally marks.

Make sure you share when you release. :D

Make the "Support us on Kickstarter" bigger. Use an image or something for it.

I know call to actions feel annoying, but more people will click on something that stands out.

Small notes for anyone being lazy, (Like me)

If you fit one of the dimensions it will center fine, so if you have a whole bunch of taller than wide photos, just scale to width and let the code center it.

You can also reduce the colors any way you want, and it will still work fine. 

i:read["image"][() 1] card.image.paste[i .5*card.size-i.size]

Try importing random photos without doing any color reduction for neat effects

Respect the duck.

Thank you! If you end up using them for anything please share!

This was really fun and a good take on winning death's games. (Well, you know).

Thank you for playing! I did not have the energy to add more after the base idea was done. I wanted to add a way to banish the demon but that would have ran scope out of the jam.

Hey, this while being accurate was not made with GBStudio. Sorry about that!