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A member registered Apr 09, 2022

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I will also try some prints here soon. I did print that first version I created and it printed but the base was a bit weird in those foot areas and didn't print cleanly but I could have rotated it and might have been better printed base down.

Awesome. Glad I could help. Sorry I forgot to email the STLs but it looks like you kinda got an idea what is going on. Look forward to testing more.

Thought maybe it was sleeve specific so tried GP 5/6/7 and added fillet to mount and this is what came out. Same warnings in Cura

I am also seeing some issues on the base input fields. Should we be able to type the actual values where it says "Width Input" and "Length Input"? I tried using these and found it changed the scale visually but the slider stayed the same and upon export the dimensions that it used was that of the sliders and not the values I type in.

The one on right is the newly created mount next to the one I posted earlier

Hey Nate. I didn't have the settings of that written down (which brings the idea... can an option for saved favorite settings be added? That way you can quickly go back and generate .stl's if you lost previous files maybe?) so I went about creating something close. That image was my second mount. The first was even worse. I think I had used a fillet on the base. Sorry I didn't save a pic of that one.

I created a new one and the mesh shows a very similar issue in the same area. Every output I pull into Cura 4.13.1 (my slicer) I get a warning about it not being watertight and possible printing issues. The image I first posted was from Tinkercad where I just imported it to check it out real quick.I have screenshots I'll add.

Greetings. Love the idea and look forward to seeing it grow. Nice use of the Unity engine. Been playing and I am noticing some mesh issues on .stl export most noticeably around the foot hole regions. I attached an example. Is it just me?