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A member registered Sep 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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Here's a mockup for the c64 using extended character mode...

😁😁 thanks 👍 the source code available (digital version instead of the magazine scan?) I'd like to examine it and see if I can make a C64 version...

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Looks cool mate :)

EDIT: OMG! It's bloody hard lol...I think you move way too quickly between wires and have to move again to line up with a Sparx wire.  I wonder if it would be easier to make up/down move to the previous/next wire that contains a Sparx and not to a blank wire?

Sweet! Thanks for the update, appreciate it 🙂 🙏

Hi, are you saying the controls are difficult to use? It IS challenging to use 6-way directional controls in the first place IMO :)

sorry, not yet...I had crashing issues and haven't gotten back to this project yet...will someday :)

I just tried them again using my latest build with fceux and no issues

How are you playing the .nes files? I'm only using legal op codes...none of the illegal dodgy ones...

It was working on my local copy (unsure what I missed with the last upload), but I will upload a new whole version of the compiler soon which should help (touch wood)

I've uploaded a file to my project page and updated the file too. Try downloading them to see if it helps.

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I've uploaded a file to my project page and updated the file too. Try downloading them to see if it helps. PS the line drawing code doesn't appear to work anyway lol (dang it).

Thanks so much for the kind words, and the bug report...I'll check it out :)

Thanks! 🙏 I will update NES as I figure more out. I'm currently trying to add stack support for recursion, but more importantly for routines in ROM that can't have their variables in ROM...

Thanks for the reply ☺️ I'll check it out...I may need to alter one of the fragments to match the routine it's calling...

What drive did you initially copy pas6502 to?

It is supposed to auto read from the pas6502 folder wherever it is.

Ok, I've checked my code and it looks good; it saves the text result from the dialog box to the variables, and writes the variables to the .ini file. Apart from hitting cancel instead of ok, or getting the path incorrect, I'm not sure what is going it right now

Ok, I've checked my code and it looks good; it saves the text result from the dialog box to the variables, and writes the variables to the .ini file.

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Kick assembler and exomizer is already included. I'll check my code... Since I have the c128 emulator already and it's the default path, I'll check the code again.

Did you hit cancel instead of ok on the dialog box? That would not change the setting. In the meantime, I'll also look at my code to make sure I actually do save the new c128 path stuff when ok is pressed 😅

Could you send me a screenshot of your options dialog and your .ini file? Maybe I can see something.

This is awesomeness! Any chance of renaming the individual sprites to proper frame-ordered names instead of hex codes, and having them in a single folder for each type (sprDagger_Attack_Down_A for example)? It's a bit confusing right now...


Once I figure out why my latest version of hexed is crashing, I'm going to upload the final version here :)

Nice Duke Nukem homage :)

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Thou art a pixel genius! :) I love them!

My only "gripe" is having to manually extract them from the format they are in to individual icons :(

Thanks for the comment, I AM going to add NES and Atari examples into the compiler as soon as I work them out lol

ok, thanks for the update...I only just saw you post lol 😆 I will try it 😊 

That's awesome!! Is this in Hi-res bitmap mode?

Hi, I tried SpriteMancer on my Microsoft Surface 5 Pro today, and found that all the fonts are very very very small, and I had trouble reading them. I've not had an issue with other programs and their font sizes...any ideas?

Thanks for the kind words! After I finish my current project Hexed, I will get back to miniMIKE :)

thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!! 😊❤️ It's on the backburner until I finish hexed. I'll then get back to it and debug the issues, and try to get a release done at some point 😊 

Thanks, I've since discovered that and downloaded it 👍😊

I purchased the original Asset Forge ( Do I have to pay again to get Asset Forge 2.x?

I would love to see source code for this game as a learning experience, even if it was in C 😊 I have also made a 3d game for the c64 using a c-like language and a random generated maze, but there were no monsters and you only walked around. Mine used petscii graphics too.

Well done!!

Ok, thanks mate! ❤️❤️

I thought some of those tiles were in your $5 tile set you released a while ago?

Nice 🙂 can you make games using Maluva and sell them? I thought it had a commercial licence or something?

I haven't tried it yet, but it looks great! What program did you use to create this graphical text adventure?

Thanks mate! I will try to remember to tag you 😁