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SyncVR Medical

A member registered Sep 17, 2021

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Here you can find the link to our Hackathon's Discord! You may ask any questions, communicate, and share your experiences here!

Hello beepollen. Yes, I had made a mistake regarding the mailing system of that makes me only able to send another mail at the start of this evening!

The problem context / Challenge is the following:

Design a Virtual Reality- or Artificial Reality application which supports the movement rehabilitation process of patients. Your app stimulates the user to use muscle groups which they need to use for their rehabilitation.

Here is the kick-off video in which everything is explained!

Good luck!

(1 edit)

Hello everyone! I have wrongly assumed the mail-cooldown would reset at 12:00 AM! Excuse me for this mistake! Here is the introduction video to the SyncVR Hackathon!

The game you design should have VR/AR as a target platform, but you do not need to hand in a VR/AR game. For example, it be a 3D game prototype, which could theoretically be converted to VR at a later point.' If you can make a convincing video, you could even hand in a document and/or video with just paper prototyping!