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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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extremely good concept and a pretty good execution. i found it a little too difficult personally

Absolute banger

(1 edit)

Extremely cool concept, but the current execution goes against the number one thing that makes a good platformer - precise, predictable movement.  Not to mention that many of the surfaces are slippery, even when the golem is standing still.

Also, while it very much makes sense to make certain jumps only possible at certain times to really take full advantage of the "moving platforms" concept, it wasn't very fun to have to wait 5-10 seconds between certain jumps because they require the golem's limbs to be at certain angles.

Again, I really love the concept and the vibes, so don't be too discouraged by all the criticism - I'd love to play a full version of this game, given the time it needs for more polish and better jumping mechanics.  Hope you make it one day :)

Edit: Also, I'd recommend adding the ability to teleport while in the air, so you don't have to wait for the player to drop all the way to the ground before retrying.

Please for the love of god make a full game where we take the fight to the shadow wizard money gang. I need this in my life