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A member registered Aug 01, 2020

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im on a old macbook (mid 2013) and the game keeps crashing whenever i launch the tutorial or just the game in general, i can only navigate the menu so far

it seems i cant load the mod on the browser (im using a mac) and used the url but it doesn't react when i confirm it so im a bit lost here... im using the itch launcher to play most of my games on itch.

I play on mac and when i launch the game i get the unity logo but after that all i get is a black screen and when i change the window size even just a little bit the game crashed

you can't see it but theres some dialog that written in morse code (which i haven't decode it yet lol) where the Yes and No has some differences where the No options seems to be longer then the Yes option

is there gonna be a mac version of this?

feb 7 still no update

sooo redo? welp... gotta go fishing again

(1 edit)

can i move my saves to the newer version or is it not possible..? also the game is so wonderful that even without the porn i keep playing it -w-

is it possible to play it on mac?