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A member registered Jan 08, 2021

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Impressive,like everything else I’ve seen with this. My wife kindly looked after the kids for a few hours yesterday while I cruised the city with the Bladerunner score playing in the car. Even with increasing the render resolution in Oculus link to maximum and at 90hz it ran buttery smooth on the Quest 2. It is seriously well optimised to run as smooth as that at that. The same settings on aircar resulted in it being a slideshow and not playable.

Loving the small details like the graffiti and Soi Boy adverts etc. Can’t wait to see what the final product is like although the experience so far has been worth the money alone. It’s a dream come true. I’d definitely be up for joining the Discord if possible.   

I understand this will not be a top priority but could I ask if there are any plans or way to add support for Hotas/joystick set ups? Whilst I have got relatively used to the controls of aircar, which these appear to be similar to, I do still wish it was possible to just plug in my HOTAS set up and really add to the immersion in flying the cars here. Appreciate the work put in and fully support this development.