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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

Recent community posts

This is a really fun Alpha build! I do think the tutorial can be restructured a little, it was a little overwhelming to begin with. I also wonder if it might be nice to have the Hand tool assigned to a default button, so that I don't need to switch away from a tool to, say, climb outside the ship.

Sound effects are great, and the ship packing mechanic - finding space for 8 crates in a tight space - is intuitive and interesting. I think it's a great central mechanic to structure the game around. The loop of pack, transport, deliver, pack is really solid.

Encountered an unfortunate game breaking bug. After my second delivery mission, when I was told I was a Preferred Delivery Choice, I was moving when the PDA popped up. My character kept moving during this scene, and when the PDA went away I was  stuck in a corner and unable to move.