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Swindler's Trick

A member registered Oct 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'll hold into that, thank you.

Rate: 10/10

The game is very fun to play and the levels very well designed. The assest and sound design is cute. I played until Hard mode and I've come to conclusion that this game should be listed as $5 and have a mobile version. Hope to see more of your games.

Rate: 9.5/10

The whole game, perfect. It's been a long time since I played a cute soul-like game. The graphics, sound design and character is excellent, the movement is fluid overall an excellent game.

Add more depth to the story and feature more bosses. Can't wait for the full release.

Rating: 8.0/10

The game is very fun and easy to pickup from the tutorial. The sound is quite great and graphics is overall good. To me the only downside is the gameplay, you can cheese the enemy out by running away and earn mana. Making the enemy AI do more pathfinding  then the drops of health is very common. I get health orbs even though my HP is full. 

Thank you, keep that up.
