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A member registered Apr 28, 2022

Recent community posts

All of this kindness and support is so nice😊 thank u all so much. This has helped give me hope that humanity still has a chance lol. (Do you guys play Minecraft? Because if you do I could set up a server for us to play together on. java addition) once again you guys are all so nice and all of this support is probably one of the nicest things that has ever happened to me.

Thank u for those words

AM or Pm

I want a friend, I’m sad lonely and depressed. I live with my parents and since they’re high-risk we’ve been quarantining ever since Covid started. Since I’m lonely and depressed I’ve been doing Terrible with school, and since I’ve been doing terrible I’ve been punished I haven’t been able to use my computer for the past two weeks and I have no idea when I’ll get it back. I’ve been secretly playing this game on my phone, and it’s the only thing keeping me sane. 

Is there any gear that goes with this helmet?