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A member registered Aug 29, 2023

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Done and unlocked the full gallery. Excellent art, worldbuilding, writing, humor, porn, and game overall! I was fully invested throughout.
The two big complaints I have are the lack of resolution options (I wanna see the art better!) and that there's no options to change the text speed to instant. I read fast, and so I found myself often pressing E to see an entire textbox, only for it to end just before I press E and cause me to either skip dialogue before I've read it or select a dialogue choice prematurely, both of which suck balls as the dialogue in this game is excellent. 
My other issues are minor:
- As mentioned already in the comments, a bug in the endings which causes the music to continue playing and overlap with the game
- Lack of volume settings
- An issue with Pumi-Pumi in Spring Sprout where if you tell her to look for Agressa alone before you've gotten a seed from her she can disappear without giving you the seed, this can be remedied seemingly at random by closing and reopening the game
- Enemies can sometimes be knocked backwards into you when attacking them, causing unavoidable damage (not super important due to the game's leniency but still annoying)
- The game times some time to start up
- No scene where the Lord of Misfortune shoves someone's face into his fat nuts
I'm not familiar with GameMaker so I have no idea how many of these are feasible to fix. Regardless, this game is excellent, and I immediately want more like it. Very cash money, good shit indeed!