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A member registered Jul 03, 2016

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I would love to see this made into a longer game, or even a series. I'd happily pay for more of this kinda thing.

I totally understand. When making a prototype, time outweighs ideas. I'm glad to hear you've grown as a developer. I look forward to seeing what comes next! Thanks for your reply. 馃槉

I stumbled across this by accident, but I'm glad I did!

It's a fun little game, that is like a 2D Fatal Frame with more of an action focus.

A few suggestions for a fully fleshed-out version: a minimap would help, especially with levels becoming larger, yet looking similar; crossing off items on the checklist so that you know what you have/haven't collected; more ghost variety; less upbeat music (it was spooky and fun, but I think the game would be more tense with spookier/darker music).

Overall, I enjoyed this. I hope you return to this game one day. :-)

Excellent! I can't wait 馃挏

Will this ever get a reprint?

(1 edit)

Really fun game! Thanks so much for stopping by the stream. I wish you all the luck with the indiegogo. <3 

Just had a look at this game today. Decided to make a series looking at indie games, with this game being the first. I had a lot of fun with it, and played off camera. I loved the art style - it reminded me somewhat of Parappa the Rappa. :-)