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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is one of the best sci fi games I've ever played. It has all the things I want from games about space exploration but never get. Analyzing samples of weird stuff to try to understand different worlds, alien life and environments that really seem alien. Basically, all the nerdy stuff and none of the space battles.

It's like someone took the planet scanning and planet exploration parts of Mass Effect and made them actually interesting by adding a satisfying story, alien mysteries, and fun puzzles.

This just became one of my favorite games. I love the characters and the story and can't wait to replay it.

This game is fun and creepy at times but drags in places. The environments are very nice and I loved the surreal elements and how hallucinations were handled. Basically, it doesn't matter if it's not real because when it's happening it is real to you and you just have to deal with it.

Some of the puzzles were confusing and since the game controls were never explained and certain mechanics were never introduced there were times when I was stuck and didn't know why. 

My overall feeling by the end of the game was just irritation and relief that it was over and I could go do something else. It was kind of a nothing ending. Maybe I would have found it more satisfying if I'd liked the POV character. That's honestly my biggest problem with the game. 

The POV character is so mean to the AI and so paranoid it's really hard to like her. I get that it was a stressful experience but if all I see of a person is them being awful to people I'm not going to like that person.

I think this game has it's good points but I don't think I'd ever replay it or recommend it to a friend.