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A member registered 25 days ago

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Thanks a lot, the game is working again.  

Saw  some new random encounters and there are great. 

Maybe you can add a fake blue screen?

Have a nice day :).

I stumbled upon this game and I'm very glad about it. The art style is appealing and the main  boss is a highlight for me. Gives me some hellraiser and fear and hunger vibes and I love it. The combat is simple, but fun. For the room mechanics, they can be confusing at  the beginning, but you will understand them quick. The long gilled fish and the frogs are venders for examble. The bosses are challanging, but in a dark souls way (at least for me). Hard but satisfying if you beat them. The game has allready a lot of contant. 

But since the new update my game crashes, if I try to start it and  this error message showes up. If you have a idea how to fix that please let me know.

I'm looking forward to new contant and updates and I recommend, you give this a try.