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A member registered Mar 07, 2021

Recent community posts

Hi, I love the functionality of this plugin! Will there be a future version that can use other sizes of images, please? (e.g. a larger bust than the face image)

I checked, and they're all 14. Thank you very much!

Hi Owl Theory Music! I once bought the Valentine's Day Sale bundle, is this asset the same as that one? (Can I get the asset if it's the same?)

I used MZ 1.5.0 for testing.

Yes, if you change the tileset size to 16x16 then the overall block size will be reduced (by a third). But the character size does not change.

I hope this information helps you.

hello, are there plans on adding more frame characters walking animation?Or provide Chinese version...(In fact, the Chinese version is more convenient for me to read. I can provide translated documents if possible.)Thank you so much!

This looks great for customising my own sprites! I'm not sure if the 500 yen plan on cien is just picture clips, or pictures and software together? I'm wondering where I can buy the software separately since I want to create my own image material. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you.