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Suveranai Tsukasina

A member registered Nov 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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i love how devoted you are with this all. this is by far mine and my bf's fav vn we both love the story (and loken) and what there is to theorize and think about. keep up the amazing work.

finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, this is by far one of if not my favorite visual novel

Is there a name for the title song? i'd love to be able to listen to it without having to have repeat just... open lol. love the vn and temptation's also, you got me into vns hella hard shiro and i thank you for that and am very excited for owen's continuation as well as phillip's route.


are you a nargacuga in this game from monster hunter lol?

happy to know that it's still going hmhm, this is a vn i love art-wise and the story seems promising. i really do wish you and all your team... group... posse? well with this all.

HOLY FUCK this drop was awesome, i love this vn, has such good levels of lore, horni, wholesome, and badass all mixed together

i want to see this vn to the end, it's by far one of my favorites

is there any new information as it's been almost been a year on this, i hope you all luck i just want to know what's going on as i do like this vn and the art a lot.
good luck with everything.

i hope you continue making vns either way after this, i love your vn style a lot especially the art. i wish you luck in everything.

it's funny how they downvote us like it does anything but prove your point more lmao

more power to ya hmhm, it's your life and your visual novel, if they want to bitch cause you're not doing what everyone wants then let'em bitch like bitches hmhm. you don't gotta deal with that weird echo chamber they're building. and the money thing is just getting worse so you'll need to focus on your job. i wish you luck in your life and your soon-to-be vns as you seem like you have a lot you wanna make but the vn is just too much work rn as well as you having to work on the stuff that needs fixing first. good luck hmhm

do you know/ have an estimate of when development would start again? love the small bit there is

this is a cool visual novel and if they're good fans then they'd wait for you to get better rather than try to force it out of you, if you feel like shit you'll make shit.

anytime, you deserve pleasure from this too, love this story and am excited to see your other work hmhm

you do what you gotta do, any true fan would care about your well being rather than your vn cause you're the one making said vn and anything more.

what is the song for the title screen if i may ask? i love it hmhm, also YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS more creepy spirits mixed with gaynessssssss

y'alls better root for my boyfriend, he's too cute for you not to

tendo needs his time to do his thing, he'll be ok sooner or later

(1 edit)

uhh i can't get darius' route to start, it always goes to spencer's for some reason, is this a bug or something?

edit: ok i did a dumb lol, nevermind

also i will say in a lot of vns i always make a sub-conscious tier list on who to go for first, your vn is one of the few where i can't tell which one i'd want first

you're not the only one, a lot of the vns ( a.e. all of them) i follow have been on hiatus, either way i want you and them to be oki, be your best to make your best

we furries know what we want lmao

i played another vn: temptation's ballad later so i know it's not that, and no no error message

i can't run the game i stopped looking into this vn as, i'm just gonna be honest, i lost interest in it as it seemed like the only thing getting updated for a while, i downloaded it three times and each time both types of the game (the normal one and the -32 version) didn't work

it's oki hmhm not your fault he was an ass, and i'm on your discord if you're wanting to dm me hmhm

i can actually relate a bit to thony' and kathy's life, when i was younger- 
(spoilies be warned)

me and my mother had to make do with what we had without my father, he isn't as physical as thony's dad but he was just as bad manipulatively. 

great vn so far hmhm, can't wait to see it all shine 

there's (at least from what i know on the windows and mac version) there's a number at the top right corner that you want to go to 0

for the one with guss and the arrows follow where you see the fist, it confused me at first too, and for the other one later you have to click the fists fast enough

i can't wait for day 6, but i hope you and the team are doing well, cor is still one of my fav vns hmhm

bruh your art style is one of the reasons i love this vn so much, too many vns go for the usual hot dudes, i like this fluffy style so much

sadly this fact is disproven lol

i can't wait for the update, i love this vn, the art style, characters, lore, all of it hmh

this is an interesting and unique vn, i like it so far, also mneesus is cute bean

uhh what happened if i may ask

yaaaaaaaaaaas cute beans

oooh if you're making a vn i cannot wait to see it

you take all the time you need you poor bean