Ooo, looks perfect! Honestly, the character sheet was the only thing stopping me from playing the game. Now that it's easier on the eyes, I'll be able to play! Thank you so much!
Recent community posts
Is there any tutorial videos? The free demo is kinda confusing. Ex. "Both players draw a hand of 5 cards (unless this is the first round)"... So what can you do?? Plus, half of the spellbooks aren't there because you need to.. spend money on the actual thing you want, plus extra crap you might not want. Other than that, this seems like an interesting game. Would be 10/10 if not for the problems above, so currently it's 8/10.
Yeah, I just found it. I've been searching through for Boardgames and stuff of the like, and I came across this through a tag (I think it was "liminal"?). I've been planning on integrating this into a multi-system adventure (.dungeon > Under The Neighborhood / part of SUPERKALLEIDER) but I don't really like the character sheet for this. It isn't really.. a character sheet that you can use as normal. I'd prefer it if it was more linear, I guess is the term. (Base Rules in the corner of a box, where you're supposed to write the ones you want from the rules. Idk if my explanation makes sense though.)