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A member registered Aug 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I just found it. I've been searching through for Boardgames and stuff of the like, and I came across this through a tag (I think it was "liminal"?). I've been planning on integrating this into a multi-system adventure (.dungeon > Under The Neighborhood / part of SUPERKALLEIDER) but I don't really like the character sheet for this. It isn't really.. a character sheet that you can use as normal. I'd prefer it if it was more linear, I guess is the term. (Base Rules in the corner of a box, where you're supposed to write the ones you want from the rules. Idk if my explanation makes sense though.)

So, with the Kickstarter not fully backed, now what?

Aight thanks. I'll share the character when I'm done with them if you want.

would characters with no limbs but floating body parts (Like Rayman) work, or is that just a pipedream?

They you do must not not stop. Fail.

thank you for contacting them. I'm sorry if I've caused any inconveniences to you. 

Hey, uh, what does "separate the ace through 6 cards of each suit from your deck of cards and lay them outi n a 5x5 grid" mean? That's just jarbled nonsense.

Someone seems to have snagged it before me sadly :(

Thanks for lowering the price. I'll try to watch the Podcast when I can.

It won't download

It would! I really want to experience this, and it looks really fun! I also had a question, does this include any type of pre-made adventure?

Can someone please buy this? I really want a copy qwq