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A member registered May 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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ok I finished the update and now I have to know how to get an ending with the blacksmith ToT 

Oh gosh I love the game! I haven't run into any issues so far besides the fact that I might finish what I have so far, and I really don't want that T^T. I look forward to the next update!

cute I got doll!

I don't know how many times I've played this and how many comments have been written out, but I always feel so bad for doing that to the poor clowns, Not the the Jack in the box, bro just a whole other level of demon. But the others! And seeing their backstory? Heartbreaking, maybe to the point that I won't play this game again, the pain was just... wow. Good job, but that hurt... really bad...

I felt awful for those poor clowns! I love the game, but hurting them made chills run down my spine T^T. They all looked so sweet and the one where you had to blow him up, I could've sworn I heard him groaning in pain, along with the others too! 100/10 star game, I just always find it so hard to go back to :')

I haven't played the game yet, but the comments make it seem very promising!

(1 edit)

I really like the game, especially the ending since I wasn't sure whether to follow the lady or not. Is there by chance another ending to this game?

Edit: ok so I tried again and no second ending, but now I'm curious about all the other characters, and what their stories are. I mean the soldier, the old man, and the homeless guy. They seemed so kind, and it was off-putting when they all disappeared into thin air. Though I guess you can say that's what makes it horrifying when you see the little girl's shadow slowly turn into a spider, and what the lady said about becoming the spider's food, so you can pretty much guess what happened to the rest of them.

I'm sorry but when that hand reached out in front of the censor i felt ready to beat that b**** with a bat, like don't you do that! it always pisses me off when somebody does that, so good job, you made me both angry and scared, a rare combo lol

did we all do that when we were younger

This entire comment section turned into a damn circu

I felt so bad for Mr. Handy and Mrs. Stretch! I really loved the game though, the display of emotions really did it for me.