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A member registered May 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I’ll try to adjust the boundaries again when I’m home. Alt + Enter before would bring it from Full screen to windowed mode, except the image would still be the same size. I’ll try to adjust the executable as well. Thanks for the response! Dunno why my computer had to be dumb. I did have issues on another game where the subtitles only appeared when I was in windowed mode. Who knows! Thanks again :)

Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out. I've been playing through all of the Wretched Weekend games, and this one in particular is giving me trouble with its aspect ratio. It isn't in widescreen, so I can't access the game menu or inventory. Any suggestions? This is how it opened from the start, btw. I didn't adjust any settings prior. Thanks in advance! Looking forward to playing.