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A member registered Jul 11, 2023

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Sounds great. Can't wait to play them.

This game was really good, but I don't have any Kath in my life, so I'm actually kinda depressed now. Oh well, onto the next game.

; )

I might be one of the few to say that I didn't enjoy this game, but that's okay.

I enjoyed the music and the visuals, but for most of the game I was bored. It's true that the grandma in this game is heartwarming, but walking parts of the game are just too long, and I feel like the game didn't have any conclusion. You expect something tragic or life-changing to occur to the main character (or to the granny), but nothing ever happens.

In short, if you enjoy relaxing games with almost no story, you'll like Lieve Oma. Otherwise, I can't really recommend this game, but props to the developer for creating a heartwarming experience..

Wow, this game is very promising.

The concept in itself isn't anything groundbreaking,  but the attention to detail and execution is top-notch. I also love that the developer included Easter Eggs (Inio Asano manga).

The game mechanics work very well.

Definitely deserves to be on Steam.