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A member registered Oct 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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I give it a boing! out of 10

I hear ya haha congrats on winning Best Art though! :)

A lot of polish went in there for the animation and the interactivity of the objects! Great work :)

Okay this game wins for the funniest one for sure. If I would have changed one thing maybe it would've been the speed of the character but otherwise the player is guided well and it's fun to play! I hope you'll keep working on it! :)

It's cool that there's a narrative and that the player is free to explore the world as he wish! :)

Loved your ending! We have something really similar in our project haha! :)

The chromatic concept is insane! We wanted to do something similar with our game but didn't have the time to implement it :(

The idea is very original! :)

This is really polished! The core gameplay is addictive and I like the difficulty and learning curve! Great work :)

Love the environment!  :)

Thanks a lot! I didnt do this by myself though, I just found a way to add the rest of the team yay! 

Dont worry about it! It's an awesome concept! I never messed with Python that's why haha

The theme is very well respected and explained. Its playable and its impressive how you got the time to do a little cinematic intro and some backstory given the time you had. Maybe I would've guided the player a little bit more at the beginning to tell him how the mechanics work. Awesome job! :)

This is really well made! :) The power progression from room to room is very satisfying! Nice music too

Hehe thanks a lot! :D Wish we had more time to polish it and explain the story a little more 

Very funny! I had to look at the video because I can't open the .py file though. :/

Very impressed how you managed to create such a nice 3D environment in so little time! Great work! :)