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A member registered Jan 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice. I like the hand drawn animations and assets, and the music goes well with the gameplay. My only complaint is that the player speed increases a bit too much. It's kind of impossible to control near the end. Otherwise it feels like a very well put together game.

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Not bad.

I personally am not into this type of game. It's a lot of reading. However, I understand there are people who might like this more than me. The only real complaint that I had was that the sounds are a bit harsh. A softer or quieter negative sound would be better. Otherwise, the game is well put together and the art is well done.

New high score: 145. Beat that guys!

Well done!

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"I blow ye to smithereens!" So funny. I like the premise and story. I would love to see this developed further as the idea is very fun and humorous. Also I don't know how you got the voice lines but they're quite good.

The buildings don't always render, and I couldn't figure out how to destroy buildings. I just ran around for a while and nothing happened. Pressing all kinds of buttons didn't do anything.

Not bad. 

Seems broken and unresponsive. Sorry friend.

I didn't really get it, and the mana didn't seem to fill when I fed it people.

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Great job guys. You really set the atmosphere really well, and very good production quality. I also like how the story unfolds and you find out at the end what was going on.

Not really sure what is supposed to be going on.

I wish you had more time to flesh this out! Also be sure to credit yourself in the credits screen :-)

This game just doesn't seem filled out enough. Maybe with a few more days it would have been fun to pla

Very funny and clever response to the theme.

Not really my kind of game but it seems pretty polished.

I think it crashed when I beat all enemies in the first level...? 

It's alright, the character isn't that fun to control, and it doesn't look very nice. Otherwise good job.

I think it broke at the end but otherwise pretty good. Reading that much text isn't really my thing though.

I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I just walk around and every once in a while the game starts over for no reason, or if I stand still then I fail somehow.

Yeah it's broken... sorry.

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Doesn't seem to work. Turrets don't shoot at my units. It's also unclear what the bottom two buttons do. I also can't tell if I'm making progress, there isn't a counter or anything to show how many I have gotten through.

Good idea. It's not clear what the objective is because the counter in the corner goes up if I hit asteroids, but if I hit too many I lose. I made it to the end once I guess. Also none of the main menu buttons worked.

Grass kills you... fyi. Not bad. I think it would be better if the player sprite and the collectables had better sprites. They don't really fit in since the rest of the game is nicely textured.

Ok maybe I'm just a noob but I never would have guessed using shift to sprint. I get that the point of the game is to learn how to play it by playing it, but perhaps you could mention the controls but not say what they do. That way the user doesn't have to press every key on the keyboard to see if it does something, just the ones you tell them to use.

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You can't even walk across the platforms because the tiles aren't lined up and the player doesn't have the ability to walk up any height difference. You have a good intro with instructions for the player but forgot to mention the double jump ability. The moving platform that moves under the other platform leaves too small of a gap, so the only way around is to fall off and use a mid-air jump to get back on the platform. Definitely not a beginner friendly maneuver.

The description says it's a game about Persian culture and symbols, but those things aren't explained in the game or given emphasis.

You have a good starting point but would get a long ways with just taking the time to line up the tiles.

The game looks polished, and seems well suited for mobile. The bubble gun powerup is pretty op. Once I got that I could just hold down click and fill the screen with bullets and live basically forever.

Not sure what to do. I wandered around for a while and killed one thing. The camera angle is not my favorite. Perhaps it's intentional game design but the jump height seems a bit ridiculous. You have a good starting point but it needs more direction.

No instructions on how to do anything. The jump from the yellow pillar to the next across the lava might be impossible, I couldn't make it. Perhaps save a hard jump like that for a higher level, rather than level 2 or whatever it was.

I do not like that the camera turns with the player when they flip, it makes me feel sick. Also is there any point to flipping? I thought it might give an altitude boost but it doesn't appear to help in making jumps.

This game is a good starting point, but it's barely even a prototype. It's not clear how to play or what the objective is.

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Some of the jumps are a little tricky for being only in the 3rd level, but the overall game is well done and feels good to play. Definitely the best here.

I'm curious where you got the assets. Did you make them yourselves?