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A member registered Nov 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I really appreciate it! I'm so glad the ending worked out the way I intended it to - it's tricky trying to develop mechanics all on one screen!

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Gur zntargf chyy guebhtu jnyyf - rira jnyyf gung frcnengr gur qvssrerag "jbeyqf." V pbafvqrerq nqqvat n zber rkcyvpvg uvag nobhg vg fvapr vg'f n ovg uneq gb abgvpr jura lbh'er nppvqragnyyl chyyvat vg sebz nabgure jbeyq, ohg qrpvqrq ntnvafg vg. Tbbq gb xabj vs V hfr n fvzvyne zrpunavp va gur shgher, gunax lbh!

This was really fun!! I appreciate the extra ladders and such, I felt like I was challenged without ever feeling like I wasted a bunch of time - I can imagine a variation with just enough ladders where you can build an entirely wrong path and have to start all over because you placed one poorly early on. It was fun to watch a path develop - I find it really satisfying that you have to backtrack through the puzzle as you slowly build to the goal. Nice work!

1:07 first try! I love mazes so this was a very serotonin-filled minute. Thanks for the puzzle!

This was so much fun!!! I'll be honest, when I saw the conceit of the puzzle, I didn't think I was going to have the patience to keep playing the melody over and over again. But I got hooked really quickly! The top left corner really stumped me for a bit. Really neat puzzle!

Music and graphics are excellent! I'm not so good at optimization puzzles, so I've got 5/10 dancing skills, but I really enjoyed it!!

Really cool concept! I love the replayability of it, I felt like I learned more about how to manipulate the sliders every time I played. I'm not very good and so never got more than 400 points, but it was still a lot of fun!