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A member registered May 06, 2019

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Def love the game!! Quickly became one of my favs, can't wait for more :3

I'm sad the weird roommate isnt romancable :'c

This is just my opinion, so I apologize if it upsets anyone but so far this story is just...
King Arthur and his knights are very feminine. Having the King, who just won a war, calling people dears, apologizing to servants and braiding peoples hair is a very strange thing to see.
So far every character is essentially the same, they're all lovey dovey and super caring. No one seems bothered by the child of their enemy they just defeated in war coming to their castle and marrying their king, everyone seems more content with making MC comfortable and happy

Alas this story is not for me, I can't take it seriously. 

Absolutely amazing and VERY long. How is this free?

(2 edits)

God. Damn. Seriously, just God. Damn. The sheer length of S1 and S2 is amazing for these types of stories, i've spent more time reading these than playing big budget video games and I loved every minute of it.

I'll admit, I save scummed and on my 2nd playthrough used the guide (Cause somehow I messed up Syd's romance :c) but i'm absolutey hooked and can't wait for S3

Also i'm kicking myself for not realizing what Roe was, I dunno if I was just to tired or not paying enough attention, or paying to much attention, but the reveal should have been obvious yet I didn't see it coming. If I thought about it, I should have realized, but I was so engrossed in the story I didn't have time to think about it

Only problem is, when S3 does finally come out... Imma have to start from the start, cause i never load old saves B)