Why is he so hungry :(
A member registered Jan 24, 2024
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I am never going to babysit. Ever. Fun short horror game! Sometimes the baby jumpscares made me laugh a little more than they made me scared, but in a good way!! Here's my video playing it, it means a lot to me if anyone watches at least a few minutes of it!
Great game, excited for your future games!
By far the Biggest and most Ambitious entry in the Fears to Fathom series!! This is a pretty big game, it took me about 3 hours to complete it. Though i had to restart a couple times after running into some bugs. I'm sure these bugs have been fixed by now or will be very soon. Definitely worth the price to try this one!!
This may not be the traditional jumpscare type horror game. But somehow it was much scarier to me. SPOILER KINDA, but the building sinking down into the earth a hundred feet and just being trapped by dirt. SUCH a creepy concept to me. So uncomfortable to think about that situation actually happening. Great job on this. Also the ending was hilarious haha
Alright WHO STOLE THE PICKLE JUICE?! Hey seriously, really cool game. I was nervous going into it because it was labelled as a bit of a puzzle game, and I am infamously bad at things that require mental power. BUT I made it through and had a lot of fun getting the lore and backstory to everything that happened on the ship! Great short game.
Great short game! I had a lovely time catching fish in this blood ocean of terrors. I wasn't scared at all! (I'm lying could you tell?) But for real awesome job, this is quite a unique horror in my opinion. Eerie sound design and uncomfortable visuals in the best way. I'll be waiting for your next game!
The MountWood Creature - Survival Mode Update comments · Posted in The MountWood Creature - Survival Mode Update comments