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(1 edit)

*spoiler/ slight cheat below*

I have mastered the catnap yet a dog sleeps at the end! Very sweet game and such a cool coding concept to only allow the true end on February 29th :) I'm definitely coming back in 4 years for more tea

In case anyone is sad they missed it, you can technically change the date on your device and it'll work but waiting 4 years is much more fun

Thank you so much! This is so helpful. Looking forward to continuing the story ♡

(2 edits)

I'm loving this so far, started playing very recently, but I am as indecisive as ever, and I am stuck whether I should pick inner or outer magic... any thoughts/ opinions from people further ahead in the gameplay?

Also, more experienced people, is it possible to become close friends with a romantic interest? Again, very early in the game but I like the idea of being friends with X and want to make sure it's possible before I throw away a connection (got to a choice saying 'you notice she is attractive' or 'you want your personal space back'...)