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sumiko rin

A member registered May 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is so cute and cozy! It needs more recognition! ^ 0^

Eeeekk!! This game is adorable and cozy! I like your art style a lot! It's also a bit challenging, which is the good part!! Ahhh, I'm dying of cuteness!! And the typing one to interact with thing is pretty unusual.. but creative at the same time! Keep up the good work! ^^

Thank you so much for the suggestion! ^^

(1 edit)

I'm very happy to know this game exists! This game kinda changes how I behave, I've become more caring towards other. Looking through by the story, it's very heartwarming and I sometimes sobs quietly. Hoping to see more from this team! You guys deserve more attention and kind reviews! You guys should be known world-wide!

But may I ask what game engine do you use for this?

I'm getting started on making visual novel, cute collecting game, RPG but I need recommendation for game engines.