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A member registered Oct 15, 2018

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thanks :D

Hello, about 4 days ago I bought the magician's pack for 6$, as I understood, do you leave me the one with the double swords?

hello, i bought the blue wizard package a few days ago

(1 edit)

Hello, I apologize I was wrong. When I saw the spritesheet it seemed that it had this bug because it had a white window background, but when I mounted it in the game I realized that it was fine. I apologize again.

PD: Do you think of making swim / attack movements swimming?

Thanks for everything and sorry for the inconvenience and my Google English ; P

Hello, in the animation platformer_Hero_A_atk1 the third frame has a fault in the legs, they are like "cut". ;)

Hello, are you thinking of adding more movements like crouching, crouching attack or some more to this and other characters?