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! #1 GOOBER !

A member registered Nov 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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im excited to see chapter 2 :3

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Fito & Hugo, my beloveds <3

ButterToast is such a pookie bear

tbh Jake is so cute that the entire time i was playing i was just rooting him on like as if I was watching my favorite doggo compete in the Olympics

oh i didnt know that, ty 4 telling me >_<

and also its no problem! ur games and art style are truly beautiful and I aspire to be as good as you one day <3

this scared me way more than it shouldve

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tbh i saw the bad ending as a good ending, Lambchop sucks (personality wise, good character design tho. i mean, cmon, his entire relationship with Stella is just a textbook toxic relationship, hes not exactly the one i wanna see happy by the end)

also this isn't hate btw, sry if it sounds like it. i loved the mixture of cute n dark themes, and as usual arcade kitten made a wonderful plot and interesting characters to boot <3

Chel is my gf now sry fellow simps


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I literally no joke cried a bit ngl, especially as someone with invisible illnesses that has the same feelings the mc experiences in a way (with the friends and expectations and even fears, as well as the feeling of no one seeing the world the way you do and how it just causes this domino effect on your mental health). I was completely flash banged bcus i came in thinkin I'd be jump scared or there would be gore or smth but I came out holding back tears


rly interesting game, i loved the X-Ray mechanics and choices on how to interpret the different things inside the body! my take on the story (SPOILERS):

Laynie is a Russian military experiment, made of a collage of different parts, made in a hurry because of war. Her, or rather it's body was recently made (in the past few months), possibly using a child soldier as a base for the construct considering Laynie is still in some sort of school (if I had to guess either high school or even a school for training said experiments). In a way, Laynie has deviated one way or another, since she most likely wasn't supposed to find out her true identity and purpose. The person in the radio + in the end most likely being her handler and/or creator, who has been asking for her to "come home" because they didn't want her finding out the truth. "Home" being wherever she most likely is kept, more than likely somewhere that is a secret to their government, as it's the only home she can remember and/or has left.

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heres my memorial/garden <3

i absolutely loved this game, it both makes me calm and also sad(even tho im not in the mcs shoes, which says a lot)

idk but i assume so :P

i have zero idea what just happend but i loved every second of it lol (i got the happy end)


damn this is some good soup

damn that hit hard for so many reasons

i created a penguin family who has lots of friends and plays the guitar. 10/10 would play again. I'll miss u odd penguin family :(

help i cant stop spinning :(

ik this is a really late reply but if u like this game then you'll probably like games by NixHydra/Dorian (the Dorian app sucks though, i suggest fictif & The Arcana)