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A member registered Jan 30, 2022

Recent community posts

is there a way to disable having to name each new character? Hitting OK with it blank works for Uraraka but none of the others. I don't know half of these characters' names so it would be very inconvenient if i had to look up each  character whenever i want to continue.

I downloaded the windows version but it will not run. are there any known solutions?

I have 1.1.0 downloaded on my computer and I am having an issue where the characters in the death scenes do not load, only the audio. Is this a know bug and is there a fix to this? I'm on night 4 and I don't want to lose my progress.

Hi, big fan here. I played this with my friend on their laptop a while back but we weren't able to finish it before they had to leave. I was wondering if you have any plans for a mobile port, because I would really love to finish this game. 

How do you update your save to the newest version

Enjoyed the game a lot up until the end of the Mei story. I basically tunneled her story and got super invested in her character and plot, but the ending really left a bad taste in my mouth.

Is a mobile version in any way planned, or is that a no-go

Is there any way to complete Cassie's arc without doing all of the torture stuff with Fawn, because I really want to help Cassie but I equally want to avoid everything with Fawn.

Is there a way to skip the sex scene with the girl that steals the crown?