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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Wait till you see the lamp physics:D they are buggy as hell(unintentionally but pssst).
Yeah thanks for playing! Have a nice day

Damn thats a really acrobatic caveman!:DD like it especially the morphing/scaling thing^^ It kinda suprised me.

Hey there;D damn thats actually a nice way of moving and actually reminds me of portal! Great Job. I got stuck after a while but anyways I like i alot! Could imagine some kind of fighting game with this mechanic:D Have a nice day

Our retirement will be relaxed and playing games from all the game Jams we participated;D Don't worry:) Glad you like it!

Wow like the visuals and the overall idea alot! Sadly I got stuck a bit in the last level. But hey in the end I managed to finish it somehow;D Great Job!

I actually thought about removing it, so you have to play around the middle but yeah I liked it to be able to manage the objects yourself;D thanks for your feedback!

Thanks alot!:D

Thanks a lot!

Like the visual style of the game! I think the jump mechanic fits the theme pretty good:D Just don't really like that sometimes you die instantly after shooting.
Nice job man! This Jam was a lot of fun and hard work;D glad so many managed to finish their game

Really like the mechanic! Kinda reminds me of Celeste^^