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A member registered Mar 24, 2017

Recent community posts


I have been part of the community for about a month now.
I have nothing to say but good words about this game and the people who made it.

The quality of the game is there, it is simple to pick up and play immediately. The community is extremely open to homebrew and there are already so many modules and addons for this game. I have already found 2 PbP games to play in and was in a voice one-shot!

I cannot stress how much the community is open and the lengths they go to help everyone feel welcomed and enjoy the great game. It is CLAYMORE that made the basis for this awesome community with this game.

Keep it up!

Names @Proseofpoet

Is there any way I can contact you? Would love to talk more!

the SO was pushed back by the lenghts my oracle went to prove the village that he is an oralce so I am happy with the outcome.
The booklet is just paper and staples, and my notes are just torn off pages but here it is.

This game brings great push your luck elements with solo journling. Just finished my first game where my character, thought accepted by the village, wasn't accepted by the love interest. A good ending with a sad tone. The prompts provide great guidence and freedom and a lot of the time the dice clikced in my head how it would go and what is going to happen. An intuitive, simple system for a great 2 hour expeirence that I will probably go back to (As there is a lot of variation for everything from who you are, what is the chieftan and what is the community like). Every little detail plays a nice part in the game and every time I felt like I was doing something. Also made my own little booklet to keep the stories I wrote.

Great game and keep it up!

Scary game. Scarier graphic bugs.

(3 edits)

Awesome game. Keep it up