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A member registered Jan 05, 2022

Recent community posts

1. Did believing you could play this only once impact how you made decisions?

It didn’t influence my decision making too much, but it did make the choices feel more important.

2. What do SAL and Ash look like in your mind? Did you mentally assign a gender to either or both characters?

I imagined Ash as male, late 30s-early 40s, brown hair, glasses, handsome but tired looking. And SAL as genderless.

3. What choices did you make? How did your game end?

I chose the logical option, how SAL didn’t have emotions and wouldn’t be able to view the relationship the same way as Ash. And that their different perspectives could go either way — either they’d clash or ‘synthesize’. The game ended with SAL needing to think it over.

4. What did you like and dislike about this game?

I liked the concept and originality. I would’ve liked the game to be a little longer. It felt more like a demo or introduction.

5. How did this game make you feel?

Thoughtful. It made me consider the nature of relationships more.

6. Do you want to see these characters again? What would you want to see in a follow-up?

Yeah :) I’d like to see more of their interpersonal dynamic and what SAL decides on.

7. What predictions do you have for SAL and Ash's relationship?

An unconventional relationship/friendship, with SAL learning more about emotions and humanity. 

8. Any other things you want to mention?

Not really. This was an interesting experience :)