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A member registered Jun 17, 2021

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What?You don't have an android cellphone? LOL

You're welcome, enjoy the scenes.

Did you finish the quest "lost and found"? It contains the alchemy scenes AND you must successfully make the potion then it'll unlock the alchemy scenes. Hope my answer could help you.

Try rollback, most of the choices are very simple, +love, +lewdness, +nothing,  if you choose to be an axxhole, -love most of all, so just be nice and caring that would do the trick.


Try download the game on the itch website, it will open the download website, the itch app doesn't support third-party website download. 

Sorry, can't help you. Mine is PC version. (Oo)

Just load it, save files can carry over. 

Emmm, that's weird. I've been playing the game since 0.7.1, and my saves always carry over (Oo). Maybe it's because I did not change the install folder?  I only update the game by the itch app.  But thank you for your suggestion, I just backup my saves ( just in case, some saves are at the beginning of some sweet events of Rae.)

Don't worry,  you can load a save from older version in the latest PC version.

Antivirus false alarm, if it blocks butler.exe, you won't be able to start a download.

Theoretically, yes and no, ether is much like an apple tree, and the worlds are the apples. When a world "ripens", the ether flows within will be "cut off" and become "inactive" (like the MC's world,no magic exist, but still can sense a little ether within), and this world will become a lost world.

The wand is in the closet on first floor, when you go out from your room, just go downstairs, do not hesitate. 


Ah, forgot to say, if you want to have a good time with the girls, you have to find two items for each girl (each one is different).

For example, Rae needs candle and cross to expel the demon in her. Then she could give you a "mouthful" of prayers. All the items can be found in the house, but you have to make the right choice, or you will end up falling of death.

The goal is to successfully have a "good time" with one of the girls.

 Search the refrigerator, you can find icecream, food ingredients or whiskey.

Very simple reason, I do not speak English.

You don't even realize that?

Sorry for your mentally challenged life.

Look around, anyone approves you?

That's the point. Every one hates you.

Don't be jealous 

You are rightly fitted in North Korea.


Can you ever have a talk/chat with him privately?

No one wants to see you play detractor here.

What you call "valid criticism" means nothing for the others here.

What's between you two, keep it between you two.

You think you are making yourself a "opinion leader".

You behavior is but a spoiled kid shouting and running in the screening room.

I pity you, for your love-lacking life.

For you, my attitude is well enough.

Respect is for those who is also respect the others.

Obviously,you are not one of them.

Because what you said about Stawer are totally unclear, and you don't even explain your point.

Only yapping your "valid criticism" and "attitude".

You are here to show your "professionality" and find some support, NOT enemy.

If you want the others to understand and support you, have you ever

describe the whole picture?


You are just keeping a arrogant face and shxtting your "valid criticism" to push everyone away.

I pity you.

Good response, wrong answer.

If you want everyone to understand your problem and make it right.


No one wants to see your "valid criticism" by means of shxtting around.

Shxtty altitude only make everyone hates you.

I pity you.

Bad manner for a rude detractor, it is fair.

I do not expect a rude and careless beggar like you to understand what is respect.

Before you could judge anyone, prove yourself first.

Begging for attention from the others to make up for your love-lacking life which your parents had given you?

I pity you. 

Thanks! ! XD

Anyone can tell me how to unlock the next scene with Rae in the Full of Stars dream? I've unlock the kissing scene and Android scene already.

itch app自动更新的

Actually Rae is also very believable, for her job experience and age, she become very wise and understandable (for MC), and by the time that MC spent with her, her heart is no longer armored and defensive.

That's why Rae is also 1 of the 2 cuties in the house. (The other one is Lyriel.)

Maybe you missed the egg outside MC's room window, it is almost invisible in evening and night. 

That's weird, check your anti-virus record, maybe the zip file is blocked by it. Or try another unzip software.

Find a shrink for a full analysis, your syndrome is super serious


Don't download from APP,from browser

I'm so sorry for your loss, please take all the time you need,  rake care.


Don't push so hard, be patient, I'm waiting too

Waiting with patience, can't wait to see my girls again.

It's a patch, need original game .


Check Esther’s to do list.

Did you choose the right place to report?like the bedroom or the bathroom?