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A member registered Oct 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game definitely knows how to build the tension before the big scare. I was already on edge when I read the first notification. I had an idea what might happen, but NOTHING could have prepared me for that final scare. As an avid horror fan, I enjoy being scared. WELL DONE!! I think I need to sleep with all the lights on tonight.

For a first game it was short, creepy and to the point. I would have enjoyed seeing where the story would go, but I also like it as is. Nice work! Keep going!

This was a very interesting and spooky idea. At first, it was giving me Ring vibes with the well, but turned out to be something completely different. 

I really liked this game and game idea. I was a bit confused at first, but I can only imagine what a Schizophrenic person would feel. Mannequins are a big no for me so congrats on the jumpscares lol. Here's the review I streamed and uploaded to YouTube.

Great game! Absolutely terrifying. I struggled to keep my heart-rate steady.

Fun and funny short horror game! I almost couldn't find the paddles and got trapped in a room by Almo at first, but once I found one, the rest were easy to find. Great scares and hilarious/chilling voiceovers.

(1 edit)

I truly enjoyed the game.

(Only side note: Some of the selections felt repetitive, like they were saying the same thing only reworded.) BUT Overall, great story. Wonderful visuals. And that last part kind of got me.

Game starts at 4:00 and ends at 29:45. Apologies in advance for the technical issues and my awkwardness. You might need to adjust the sound a bit lower.