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A member registered Jul 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Fun game, Unity :3

yeah, it's very easy
(source: i use it XD)

they don't own the idea of a window moving shoot em up so probably yeah


Nice game! seeing the dude walk into my room was scary xD


Wdym by laptop version? Not all laptops have the same OS but most computer OS are supported already

You need to be on MacOS 11 or higher.

Download the windows version, then go into your downloads folder and right click the file you downloaded, and click "extract all". Then go into the folder it made and double click main.exr

By the way to everyone: web version isn't just exclusive to Chromebooks

the beta version is also a full release now, the Aug 10 one

Try out this web port someone made:, or join the Discord and ask there for help to play it

You can, either try out this web port someone made:, or join the Discord and ask there for help!

Thanks for explaining.

uh.. if you mean windows, yes it is

Is your laptop a Chromebook? If you join the Discord and ask in #tech-support-other then I or someone else could help you with it

You can play on Chromebook. If you want help, join the Discord and go into #tech-support-other

It can't run on your Mac, you have to use the source version (also try the beta release first)

oh yep, I didn't even see that. This advice still applies to Macs with M2 chips apparently though

(1 edit)

that is because this can only run on Windows and Mac. (plus Linux if you run the source version or use Wine) 

If it won't let you even download it, it is probably because an antivirus of some sort is automatically detecting it. If that is the issue just temporarily disable it so you can download it.

you can try executing it from the terminal. open the terminal in the same folder and enter './main'

no problem :D

Samsung makes PCs?

You could try to install Python 2.8.x and Pygame via pip to play the source version I think though

This isn't playable on Windows 7, read the faq

This is only playable on desktop computers, I have heard that they are working on getting a port out to web, but for now you can't.

If you are on Windows, you just should be able to double click the .exe file that is inside. If you are on Mac or Linux, I would just recommend joining the Discord server so that they can give you instructions without needing a long thread like this.

(1 edit)

To install Python 3 you can go here: and for installing pygame you run 'pip install pygame' in the terminal/command prompt.  (if you are on Windows, the command may be pip3 instead)

Can you please specify exactly what is wrong and give some info? (Did you download the normal release or source, what is your OS)

just double click the exe if you downloaded the release, if it is only .py files you downloaded the source code version which you should only use if you are not on Windows.

okay, can you tell me exactly what is happening when you try to get it?

If you are on Windows, simply double click on the .exe file to play. If you arent on Windows make sure you download the source version, then install Python 3, and finally install Pygame via 'pip install pygame' in the terminal. You can then run with python and it will work

all you need to do is run the file with Python (if you installed Pygame with pip)

That is strange. What OS are you on?

It would be nice, but from what I have seen it is difficult to get something made with Pygame to do that.

Are you having a problem when you try running You may need to run 'pip install pygame' in your terminal if you have not already.

If you have installed Python and pygame you should be able to run directly with Python and it will work

Why can't you get it? i might be able to help you

(1 edit)

yeah, that is Apple being Apple, there may be some setting you have to change to allow third party software, but idk I have never used Mac OS.  In response to the website question: It is possible I'm sure, but probably pretty hard to get something made with Pygame to work in a browser.